Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peanut Butter Time!

Today is going to have to be one of the days I run. I have not decided if I will do it before or after my P90X workout. I am currently snacking on one teaspoon of peanut butter, and savoring it! Lunch was a Healthy Choice, Side Salad, No Dressing, and Breakfast was Coffee and a power bagel plain! I was doing good up until that point and then I got the munchies. I bought a small bag of funyuns and a fast break. I only ate a little of each and then threw them away. As a punishment I counted them as fulls in my calorie count today. I will run it off, and they were good. Damn you 3 o'clock slump! I am going to start keeping healthy treats at work, more than just a jar of PB in my desk. yummy! Every time I have walked up the stairs I have felt the leg workouts from last night. I like feeling it everyday. I feel like I really accomplished something. I know I said I would post measurement loss and poundage. I have not yet measured myself, and I still have only lost 1 and a half pounds, which I am very proud of!


  1. I love feeling sore the next day. :) I always feel like it was a good workout if I'm sore! And I've been sore for dayyyys!!!

  2. lol! :) I do not remember when I was not sore!
