Thursday, May 20, 2010

Phase 2

Phase 2

I start phase 2 of p90x today, and I am super excited about it. I have made it 5 weeks so far. Now is where it gets a little bit more serious. Now is where it gets harder. I am looking forward to the challenge and am going to work on being better at getting through plyometrics and focusing on breathing right during yoga. Also I get distracted and start dancing to the music playing in the background. Those are my mini goals for this Phase. Tonight is Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Abs! I will post more later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Slacking on Posting


I have been a total slacker on posting. I have not slacked off on exercise though. I have started a new goal in addition to P90x. There is a you tube channel I follow called makingthebest09, and it has a lot of helpful videos with some exercises to change up your routine. There is one video post called Cardio and Arms 30 day which is a combo of some simple cardio moves and arm work using weights. My goal is to do it everyday at least two times through for 30 days before I do my P90x workout. On the days I am not doing arms I will do the moves without weights, and on the days I am working arms I will use the weights. I should be a lot sorer today then I am, but it might just not have had time to set it. Tonight I do Core Synergistics, which I find pretty challenging, I will probably take Rebel for a run before I get started.  
Also I finally measured myself today my measurements for my waist and hips are 32" and 37". We will see if this changes as I move on.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Cardio X

Cardio X

So I was supposed to do Kenpo X last night and I did Cardio X. I feel like Kenpo does not burn enough calories. I am not dripping with sweat by the end of it. I guess I feel like I need to be dripping with sweat and almost dead to really accomplish something. Tonight is supposed to be rest. Rest is like my least favorite day. I know that it is necessary to let my body heal, but it makes me feel lazy.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Almost 4 weeks!!

I am almost to week 4! It has been a long road, with some terrible food decisions, and days of soreness. It has been worth it! I feel better then I did when I started. I think that proving to yourself that you can stick with something is a big part of P90x. I can not run tonight, and could not last night because of the rain. I felt bad that me and Rebel were cooped up inside. I had legs and back last night. It is probably a good thing I could not run, because I am sore enough today as it is. I have only lost a pound, I am making a promise to myself to measure tonight, so I can keep track. I know my clothes are fitting loser, so I know I have at least diminished some inches!! Tonight is Kenpo!!! I am going to bring it!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stabbed Repeatedly in the Arm Today!

So I had to have some blood work done today. I wanted to run and I start week 3 of P90x tonight, but I am nervous about lifting weights with both my arms so sore. Knowing me I will probably do it anyway. I have chest arms and the dreaded ab ripper x tonight. My legs are still sore from Plyo. At least I think it is Plyo I can't really be sure. I will post about my workout later!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


We did it!! Rebel and I ran our hearts out before P90X last night. It was so nice out, and he has really been itching to go. I was proud of myself for accomplishing a third of my goal. After my workout I had a Gigantic Salad with no dressing, it had beans on it for protein, and a nice sugar free chia latte before bed. I am not as sore. Today is supposed to be stretch and rest day. I feel like I should be doing something though. Maybe I will go for a walk after work. If Rebel has his way it will turn into a run and then I will only have a third of my goal left!! Happy Cinco De MayO!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Peanut Butter Time!

Today is going to have to be one of the days I run. I have not decided if I will do it before or after my P90X workout. I am currently snacking on one teaspoon of peanut butter, and savoring it! Lunch was a Healthy Choice, Side Salad, No Dressing, and Breakfast was Coffee and a power bagel plain! I was doing good up until that point and then I got the munchies. I bought a small bag of funyuns and a fast break. I only ate a little of each and then threw them away. As a punishment I counted them as fulls in my calorie count today. I will run it off, and they were good. Damn you 3 o'clock slump! I am going to start keeping healthy treats at work, more than just a jar of PB in my desk. yummy! Every time I have walked up the stairs I have felt the leg workouts from last night. I like feeling it everyday. I feel like I really accomplished something. I know I said I would post measurement loss and poundage. I have not yet measured myself, and I still have only lost 1 and a half pounds, which I am very proud of!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


I could barely make it through Plyo!! Those leap frogs and twist were really difficult for me today for some reason. I was already feeling it in the warm up. I know that, Plyo has to be an amazing workout. It is very difficult to catch your breathe! I liked it, I just hope I will get better at it. I am setting a mini goal for this week; in addition to P90x I want to go for a run at least 3 times this week. Let's see if I can do it.

The MOther!!

About to do PLYO!! Will post after I torture myself!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kenpo X

Alright so I did Kenpo X last night, and I did not find it that hard. I broke a sweat, and I felt it at certain points, but I was not gasping for air like I am when I do Plyo. I was however pretty sore this morning, mostly in my arms from the punching. My abs have not quit hurting since I started P90X so I feel like they are getting a work out. I am going to get in a run today, after I take care of some errands and then on to Chest and Arms and Ab Ripper!! I will post how i feel after. I am also going to start updating you with a pounds and inches lost to see if this X is really working. So far I have lost 1 pound, and I am going to measure myself today, and then every two weeks!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My bum is sore!

Last night was day 5 of P90x so I did legs and back and ab ripper. The wall squats absolutely killed me. I really hated the ones where you held one leg in the air. I am wondering if I will even be able to do the kicks in Ken X tonight! I have not got to run in 3 days, so I feel like I am really behind. It has poured the rain everyday and Rebel has been holding his leash and begging to go. Walking up and down the stairs a million times today at work hasn't felt very good today.

Here's to P90X!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

X Factor

So I have a couple of days to catch up on writing about. Day 2 was Plyo and that was hard enough not to mention I waited tables right before I did it so my legs were extra sore. I could tell it was working me out, because after I laid in the floor gasping for breathe. Day 3 with arms and shoulders was difficult too; one, because I had a double so I carried heavy trays all day before I worked out and two, because my upper body strength needs work. Especially hard for me is flys, it is difficult for me to even crank out ten of those bad boys. I like that you write down what you do though because it helps you to see your progress. Then the abs were whoa, getting through them was difficult, I have done ab ripper x before and I still struggle through the whole workout. I love that though, because it means they are still working. Yesterday was Yoga X and I enjoyed it, it was still hard, but I felt like my whole body was being stretched. Looking forward to legs and back and abs tonight!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Long Run and P90x!

I am proud to say that Rebel and I ran the furthest we have ever gone today. We both had to really push to crank out the last few feet back to the house, but we did it! Both of us came in to the house and plopped down in the floor to catch our breathe. It makes me feel good that we went past our comfort level. I say we, but I mean I went past my comfort level. When I got back I did my first day of the Classic Schedule for P90X it was chest and back and ab ripper. Last time I did P90X I did the lean version, and I can already tell this is going to be harder. I need to set a goal to do more reps next time, and drink more water after. Tomorrow is Plyometrics, can't wait!

Rainy Days

He is upset with me, because we have not been able to run for three days. It was raining hard, and the ground was gross. I did not want to have to subject him to a daily bath. I did however spin on my bike the three days I could not run. I am starting P90x again. It is time to get serious. I have been slacking. If I take Rebel for a run and then come back and do P90x after I will feel like I am accomplishing something. I loved it when I was doing it before and I loved not being able to move every day. Today marks the first day and I have to follow through this time. It is almost bikini time!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fun Run

That is one tired puppy, because we ran the whole time today. I only let him stop to hang off the bank and drink water. It was surprisingly hot for 6:30 in the afternoon. It was hard for me to want to go seeing as how I waited tables two days this weekend and I usually only do it on Saturdays.  We were so busy I did not stop running around for 9 hours. My legs were sore, but I forced myself to go. I then forced myself to push through without stopping. I want to try and run 2 miles again tomorrow with my running work friend. I am going to take workout clothes so I will be ready!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Naughty, Naughty.

I so did not run today, I did some abs, planned on running, and then fell asleep. I hate it when I do not work out. I work a double tomorrow so I will not have time. I will be running around all day waiting tables, but to me it is not the same. I guess I should be glad I will be active tomorrow. Sunday I will push myself to do a long one, I should be well rested enough by then. I ate terrible today, tomorrow I am starting the day with green tea, and eating salads and fish at the restaurant. I know that does not make up for my thai dinner, but it makes me feel better.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Day After

I thought that I would be really sore today, but it really was not that bad. I think my abs hurt the most from the workout after the run. I had to take an over eager Rebel on a walk/jog, because he did not get to go yesterday. He is definitely the best motivator to get me off my bum and out the door. There was talk of training for a 5K around work. I think that it would be a fun thing to do. I will keep you posted. Next week is Relay for Life so I will be doing a lot of walking that night. Tomorrow I will probably go on what I have started calling, a puppy run. I will try to run further then I usually do, because I think that my body is getting used to doing the same thing all the time. Weights are in tomorrow's workout plan too!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Success, Kind Of!

So it started raining, and we had to run inside. I did better then I thought I would. I ran one mile and a half, and I had to stop because I got a side stitch. Inside on the track 8 loops is a mile so I ran 12 loops, and walked two, and then worked out the rest of the time on a spin bike. I think I am going to pace myself better next time, and try to make it all 16 loops. She is training for the marathon, and eventually has to get up to 20 miles. I told her that I would try to train with her. I would like to see how far I can push myself. I think the side stitch happened because I stopped to drink water out of the tempting water fountain. Next time I will try my running friends trick. She keeps gum in the back of her mouth, because it keeps your mouth from getting dry. First I heard of it, but it sounds like a plan, as long as I don't try to chew it and put a hole in my tongue.

147 Minutes Til!

Countdown to run in 147 minutes. It is so hot outside, do you think I will cook?? I am excited, and hoping for a breeze. I had a tomato, provolone, spinach, whole wheat bagel for lunch. That sounds light, but when I looked it up it was close to 600 calories. Whoa! Gotta start paying closer attention to what I am eating. Working on a college campus is so dangerous because there is always food around to tempt you. The food court is just downstairs from my office.  Right now I am eating a Nutri-Grain to get some energy for my pending run. I will let you know how it goes in excruciating detail when I get home later!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What Have I Gotten Myself Into??

So today was an excellent day to start this blog, because tomorrow yours truly is supposed to go on a two mile run. Not only am I supposed to go on a two mile run, but I am running with someone training for a marathon in Chicago. I work with her and she wants me to go after work, no big deal. Well I have been going up my street and back down with my running buddy, Rebel, (he is the 15 pound little love next to my heels in the picture) for about three months now. Before I was running on the treadmill every morning and lifting weights. So today I took Rebel, and a pedometer, and set out to see just how far I was actually running. Well friends I am sad to say it was just a little over a half a mile. So that being said I am a little nervous about attempting two miles tomorrow. I am going to attempt it, because I have already committed. I am up for the challenge, wish me luck. I will be letting you know how it goes.

From High Heels to Rolling Hills is born!

I just wanted to take a minute, and explain the title of my blog. I am a prissy girl and I dress up in dresses and heels everyday. My job requires dressy clothes. I love high heels, so I am always wearing really tall ones. Immediately when I come home I kick them off, put on some running shoes, and take off. I live in the mountains thus, From High Heels to Rolling Hills is born! I look forward to sharing my fitness and diet journey with you. 
Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or a fitness instructor. These are the things I do to remain healthy. Other things work for different people. I welcome all kinds of tips and advice.